Bishop Holding up Jesus at Mass

Spiritual Life

We are the Light of the World! | Somos la luz del mundo!

Founded upon the traditions and principles of the the Catholic Church, our campus ministry invites students of all faiths and backgrounds to pursue personal and spiritual growth through daily liturgy, retreats, service opportunities, peer ministry, and pastoral counseling.


Weekly Mass - Each class (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) attends Mass in the BLHS Chapel one day each month.

All-School Masses - Once a month, Bishop Luers High School students, teachers, and staff gather together in the gymnasium to celebrate Mass. The All-School Mass schedule for the 2024-2025 school year is as follows:

August 15 - All School Mass - Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 9:45am
September 18 - All School Mass, 9:45am
October 7 - Diocesan All School Mass
November 26 - All School Mass, 9:45am
December 12 - All School Mass, 9:45am
January 15 - Bishop's Mass - Time TBD
February 12 - All School Mass, 9:45am
March 5 - Ash Wednesday All School Mass, 9:45am
April 9 - All School Mass, 9:45am
May 14 - Senior Mass/May Crowning, 9:45am

Mass for the Football Team- Mass for the Football team is celebrated each Friday morning during football season in the BLHS Chapel. (Masses for Teams, Clubs and other groups as scheduled)

Reconciliation - Reconciliation is available during lunch periods on Mondays and Thursdays. All-School Reconciliation is scheduled during Advent and Lent.

Chapel of St. Francis of Assisi

Our chapel is always open during school hours for private prayer or for individual class prayer services.

BLHS Chapel

Campus Ministry

Students at Bishop Luers High School have many retreat opportunities! All students will have a day retreat during the school year. Bishop Luers makes available all Diocesan High School retreat information and registration forms throughout the school year. Students are invited to attend various retreats with the Franciscan Sister in Mishawaka, Indiana and the ND Vision Retreats held at the University of Notre Dame.

Our students and staff are blessed to have area priests available to celebrate Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr. Paolo Degasperi and Fr. Patrick Hake serve as our school chaplains. In addition, our chaplains, pastoral minister, and principal are available to students, faculty, parents, and families for individual pastoral guidance, support, and referrals.

Students are welcome to volunteer to lector at Mass or serve at Mass here at BLHS. Email to learn more.

Get Involved

Catholics Intelligence Agency (CIA) Club

CIA meets every other Thursday during KRT.

The Catholics in Action Club

Knights for Life

Students participate in pro life activities throughout the school year, including attending the Northeast Indiana Right to Life Banquet and the Indiana March for Life in Indianapolis. Mrs. Serrani is the moderator for the Knights for Life.


Catholic Resources

Recommended Catholic Resources for research and personal growth. These are all good resources that are reliable to delve into the faith more deeply.

US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)

Catholic Online

Complete Bible Via the USCCB

Catholic Answers

Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)

Women of Grace

The Catholic Word Report

Inside the Vatican

Zenit - The World Seen from Rome

Bishop Luers Sodalitas Service Groups

Sodalitas is a fellowship of students and adults at Bishop Luers High School who are helping to fulfill part of the BLHS mission of serving each other and the community through the development, planning and implementation of service. Our vision is to cultivate a desire for service and leadership as disciples of Jesus Christ. Sodalitas is comprised of approximately 30 student-led service groups of 15-20 students guided by peer and adult leaders.

Bishop Luers High School started our Sodalitas program to serve our community and instill the desire to serve in our high school age youth. We believe by working as volunteers now, we will develop lifelong volunteer laborers to aid those in need, many of whom are already our family, friends and neighbors in the Bishop Luers community. All Bishop Luers students are involved in Sodalitas, providing a large pool of volunteer labor available to go out and impact our community through already established, effective charitable organizations. Our approach is unique in that it’s our student Sodalitas leaders that reach out to local charities seeking service opportunities needed most in the community. Sodalitas is about service, not programming, fundraising or mission work. We simply exist to serve those in need, modeling Christ and His disciples.

Bishop Luers will hold the first Sodalitas service day of this school year in October.

The national volunteer rate is calculated to be $28.54 / hour, representing the savings to organizations utilizing volunteer labor. Sodalitas contributed $13,400 of savings for the organizations we partnered with by doing our service projects! Bishop Luers students are making a long-term impact, and sharing our Luers Spirit with the local community is just one way Bishop Luers is "The Light of the World". Go Knights!

Two students speaking at the front of a classroom

Knight Resource Time


Fr. Patrick Hake

Fr. Patrick Hake


Fr. Paolo Degasperi

Fr. Paolo DeGasperi



Jan Serrani

Jan Serrani

Pastoral Minister

Ethan Schiffli

Ethan Schiffli

Theology Teacher
B.A. University of St. Francis

Steve Lalor

Steve Lalor

Theology Teacher
B.S., History, Northern Illinois University
M.A., Theology, Franciscan University of Steubenville
M.A., Educational Leadership, Concordia University (Chicago)

Ann Isch

Ann Isch

Theology Department Chair
B.S., Ball State University


Mercylynn Mbuguah

Theology Teacher


Christopher Lushis

Theology Teacher