Bishop Rhoades' Pastoral Visit 2025

Bishop Luers High School welcomed Most Reverend Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades for his annual Pastoral Visit on January 15th. He celebrated Mass for the entire school in the morning. Father Mark Hellinger ('14) served as the Master of Ceremonies.
During Mass, 8 students and 1 teacher received the Sacrament of Confirmation, 2 were baptized, and 4 received their First Holy Communion.
Congratulations to:
Brayden Mygrant, Kara Nahrwold, Daniel Murphy, Collin Ritzenhaler, Wisin Ramirez, Erick Salinas, Hadley Wilchar, Christofer Rodriguez, Yair Nieves
During the second half of his Pastoral Visit, Bishop Rhoades had lunch with students representing various clubs and sports at Bishop Luers. He then visited Theology classrooms and answered questions. Mr. Lushis' theology students had written predictions on the whiteboard for the winner and final score of the upcoming Notre Dame vs Ohio State game. Bishop Rhoades added his prediction as well.